The Return to Work Pathways Program (RTWPP) was established by the NSW Government in 2023 to support women from focus communities gain increased work readiness and to secure sustainable employment. The RTWPP delivers on NSW Government priorities including the NSW Women’s Strategy 2023 - 2026.
The primary objective of the RTWPP is to support women from focus communities, who are experiencing complex and persistent barriers to employment, to enter or re-enter the workforce.
The 2024-25 RTWPP grants are specifically targeting eight priority cohorts of women experiencing low workforce participation and / or high unemployment rates, combined with complex intersectional barriers to employment.
Applications for the 2024-25 RTWPP grants must target and demonstrate outcomes for one of the following cohorts of women:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
- women with disability
- carers
- young women (17-24 years)
- older women (55 years and over)
- women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- women living in regional, rural, and remote areas (particularly Far West NSW and North Western NSW)
- women living in Western Sydney
A variety of bespoke and tailored projects will be funded, to provide wraparound supports including training, mentoring and pathways to employment.
Please refer to the Return to Work Program Guidelines (Word version and pdf version) for more information.