Women NSW, The Cabinet Office

Welcome to Women NSW, The Cabinet Office online portal.

This portal is powered by SmartyGrants and enables you to apply online for available grants and other opportunities. Applying online not only saves you time but assists us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our business. From time to time, you may be directed to this site to lodge documents relating to your application or funded projects such as progress reports, completion reports and acquittals.

This online system is user friendly; registration is simple, and the completion of our online forms is supported by instructions, hints and other documents. Follow the below links to apply for the opportunity you are interested in.

If you have concerns or questions about using this online system or require assistance, please contact us to discuss your concern. Program staff will be able to aid, helping you to apply for an available opportunity or grant or submit your reports online.

If you have any questions regarding available opportunities, grant funds or this online system, we encourage you to read the available information on our website. You can contact Women NSW program staff at wnswgrants@tco.nsw.gov.au

For SmartyGrants form issues please contact their support team at:

Email: service@smartygrants.com.au

Phone: (03) 9320 6888

They are available to help Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00 (Australian Eastern Standard time).

Click on the below available opportunities for more information.

Thank you

Women NSW

The Cabinet Office


Current Rounds